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Gear List

The correct or more likely incorrect gear will make or break any outing. Gear should not be depended on but in the right situation you will want to trust it.


*Please note this is not a complete list and should be referenced without guarantee as each situation will encompass a number of varying factors in nature*




Parent Gear


-Cell phone 

-Should be charged/free memory for photos and videos (anticipation that service will not be available once on the trail or just before it)

- Routes can be saved ahead of time by downloading /saving a trail map

-A quick photograph of the trail map can be a life saver, assuming you can read it and your battery doesn't fail


Protection from elements:


-Basic First Aid Kit 

-Insect repellent (based on time of year/location)

-Children's neosporin

-Band aids

-Children's sunscreen


Hauling unit

-The Baby Bjorn



-Baby backpack carrier

-Additional independence

   -attachable mirror on string to hold

         -works with toys as well

   -antenna on backpack

   - shade protector

Children Gear


- Appropriate clothing based on weather/location


-Large brimmed hat-warm season

-Beanie-cold season

Upper Body

-Lightweight breathable uv protected in summer

-Jacket/sweater/windbreaker in winter


-Shoes (not brand new, can get dirty, support will 

help, comfort will help)

-At least one extra pair of socks


-Bandana (soo cute)



Food for thought and water

-Sippy cup


-lightweight blanket with weighted edges *(instant changing table/picnic spot)


-Favorite toys

-Hiking stick (careful turns into a staff sometimes)

-Bubbles (excellent for photography)

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